Monday, 24 October 2011

Anyone Remember Helen the Nurse?

Appeal for information from one of our readers as follows:

This is an extreme long shot but there used be family in Modbury who had a daughter called Helen (
maiden name Talling or Tallen).

was a nurse at Derriford hospital in the 80's.

Helen married at Modbury church a guy called Simon who was the nephew of Norman Tebbit.

That marraige broke down and she was then married to Jonathan Davies who was in the armed services.

She was tall, very slim, blonde shoulder length hair and very friendly, I think she had a brother still living in Modbury.

The last I heard from her was after her first daughter Lesley was born and she and John were living in the Helston area in Cornwall.

I just wondered if anyone remembered her, I've been trying to get in touch on and off over twenty years since we lost contact when I left for India.

Any clue would be fantatstic.

Please email the webmaster at if you can help and I will put you in touch with the originator of this request.

Many Thanks.

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